How BusinessMatika augmented
a cross-platform grocery delivery mobile application with Flutter developers
mobile, cross-platform development
IT staff augmentation case study for a software development company using Flutter for application development
Software Development Company (company’s name is under NDA) from Armenia
To develop a cross-platform mobile grocery delivery application using Flutter for a client in the e-commerce industry.
Limited internal resources with expertise in Flutter
Tight project deadlines and the need to deliver a high-quality application in 3 months
Scalability requirements to accommodate potential future enhancements
The client decided to leverage IT staff augmentation services to overcome the resource and expertise challenges. They partnered with BusinessMatika, as one of our main specializations is Mobile App development.
Engagement Model
IT Staff Augmentation
3 months
2 Flutter developers
Needs Assessment
Key Steps
Team Integration
The client identified the specific skill sets required for the project, including Flutter expertise, UI/UX design, and API integration capabilities
BusinessMatika closely collaborated with the client to understand the project requirements, timeline, and quality standards. As a result, we integrated two Flutter developers into the client's existing development workflow in one week after the brief
Resource Allocation
Assigned Flutter developers worked with the client’s in-house team, ensuring effective communication, knowledge sharing, and seamless collaboration
Agile Development Process
The combined team followed an agile development methodology to deliver iterative releases and gather continuous feedback from the client. Regular sprints, daily stand-up meetings, and frequent progress updates ensured transparency and alignment throughout the project.
Expertise: Provided Flutter developers accelerated development process and ensured the use of best practices
On-time Delivery: By augmenting their team with dedicated Flutter developers, the client was able to meet tight project deadlines without compromising on quality. The additional resources allowed them to handle the workload effectively and expedite development.
Scalability and Flexibility: The staff augmentation model provided flexibility to scale the team up or down based on project requirements. This ensured that they could accommodate potential enhancements or scope changes without disruptions.
By leveraging IT staff augmentation services for Flutter application development, we successfully delivered a cross-platform mobile application for our e-commerce client that combined the expertise of the teams to ensure a robust architecture, smooth UI/UX design, and seamless integration with APIs.

The partnership enabled them to overcome resource constraints, meet project deadlines, and achieve high quality in the final deliverables. The staff augmentation model provided flexibility and scalability, empowering the company to adapt to future project needs efficiently.
Contact us today to explore how our IT staff augmentation services can provide you with skilled developers to meet your project needs
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